Variation in consecutive values
Simulates sets to measure consecutive variations.
2025.Mar.07 02:39:11
n N. of elements in set. •
μ; a or σ Mean and variability. •
D Allowable (maximum) difference. •
Distribution   Probability distribution. •
prob % Quantile. •
Trials, .seed N. of trials and random n. generator seed. •
Show values Show the graph coordinates.

Simulates sets of n values to find their differences as: range (global difference); or consecutive differences. Each value in the set follows:  a (symmetrical) triangular distribution in μ ± a; or  a Gaussian distribution, with μ and σ.

Draws plots of f, the 'pdf', and F, the 'cdf', of the variable simulated: range; consecutive difference.

References: Plate: ConcentrationDifference

• Google search: "different sample size" -unequal; "unequal sample size" -different

• 1676-05-28: Riccati, Jacopo Francesco († 1754-04-15).

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Created: 2019-05-28 — Last modified: 2019-05-31