“Inverse Gaussian” distribution
  Draws (analytically) a curve for the “inverse Gaussian” (or Wald) distribution.
2025.Feb.21 18:05:09
μ Mean (positive).
σ or λ = Parameter: σ or λ = μ3σ2.
xmax, m Graph goes from 0 to xmax (sufficiently > μ), with m points.
Show values Shows the coordinates of the curve.
xp, p A value of x [to get F(xp)], and a probability [to get x = F−1(p)].
  Draws the graph of an “inverse Gaussian” distribution, not to be confounded with the inverse of the Gaussian, or "normal", integral.  The curves for the pdf and, optionally, the cdf are shown.
  The value corresponding to a given cumulative distribution is calculated (via Newton-Raphson).  (If it is p = 1, 0 is assumed.)  Too small σ may obstruct the calculation.
  The formulas are:
Original   with   with   or   or

F_L   or   F_S
References: Plate: Wald031121

• Aminzadeh, M. S., 1996, "Inverse-Gaussian acceptance sampling plans by variables", Communications in Statistics — Theory and Methods, 25(5), pp 923–935.

• Das, T. K., A. Gosavi, K. M. Kanchibhatta, 2002, "Optimal design of plans for acceptance sampling by variables with inverse Gaussian distribution", Communications in Statistics — Simulation, 31(3), pp 463–488.

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Created: 2003-11-21 (2004.12.23) — Last modified: 2009-02-02