Confidence intervals: verification for sums
Computes confidence intervals for simulated samples for verification.UNDER CONSTRUCTION
2025.Feb.21 18:21:53
n Sample sizes, nt, t = 1..T. •
Incumbent n "Equivalent" n. •
μ, σ (both [X]) Gaussian μ and σ. •
prob % COnfidence level. •
Trials, .seed N. of trials and random n. generator seed. •
tol, npoints Tolerance for numerical inversion, and graph points. •
Show values ? Shows the graph coordinates.

Computes, from simulated Gaussian samples, confidence intervals for μ and σ. The verification tries to assess the probability —expectedly, 'prob'— that the confidence intervals contain the (known) parameters.

Graphs are drawn showing a Student distribution and a χ² distribution. Their cumulative functions are included, as well as corresponding (shaded) areas.

References: Plate: ConfIntVerify

• Wikipedia: Table of selected values, Student's t-distribution

• Wikipedia: Table of χ2 values vs p-values • Keisan Chi-square distribution (chart) Calculator

• 1915-01-21: Lichnerowicz, André (†1998-12-11).

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Created: 2019-01-06 — Last modified: 2019-01-27