Finds the behaviour of the total weight
of a (typical) cylindrical packet of biscuits, subject to
lower and upper specifications ('specs') in packet weight and height, i.e.,
weight (W) in (LW, UW) and
height (H) in (LH, UH).
The individual item weight is assumed to have:
truncated Gaussian weight, w, with parameters
μW, σW
(of the original Gaussian), truncated at
a, b; and height, h,
such that h = w.d, with d (cm⁄g) Gaussian
(μD, σD).
The filling procedure leads to a random (dependent)
number (occupancy) of items in the packet.
A graph is produced for the simulated distribution
('pdf' and 'cdf') of the weight. The "fraction defective"
[out of (L, U)] is important in industry.
The base data refer to a commercial packet of biscuits
(figures) with nominal weight (mass) of 200 g (the legal "lower spec", L).
The producer attempts to obey this limit by using a target weight of
μ > L and avoiding too large giveaway.
(For the base data, the out-of-spec fraction is #1.8 %.)
#Suggested other data: σ = 0.9 g
(with smaller σ leading to better quality, but typically difficult
or expensive to get, hence the need for
technico-economic optimization) or σ = 2 g
(possibly with weights both 0 g). |