Bag filling (II)
  Draws a Monte Carlo simulated graph of bag filling of discrete items. UNDER CONSTRUCTION or
2025.Feb.20 19:30:45
.mL, .mU g Lower and upper limits on the mass of the bag.
μ, σ g Mean and st. dev. for the mass of each discrete item. •
ntr, .seed, klass No. of trials, repeatability, no. of histogram classes.
ymax g−1 Maximum y for graph (automatic if 0, not '.0'). •
x0, xn g Extreme x's for graph. •
Show values Shows the coordinates of the graph. •
  Draws a Monte Carlo simulated graph of  fZ  for the variable Z = Σ(i=1..n)Xi.  Note that n is a (dependent) random variable, too.
 Other suggested values for μ: small increases; 20.
References: Plate: BagFilling2

• Kreyszig, Erwin, 1988, "Advanced engineering mathematics", John Wiley, New York, NY (USA), p 956.

Con-Weigh Systems, Packing & Bag Handling.

Northwest Analytical, Selecting SQC Software for Batch and Specialty Chemicals Processing.

• 1919-09-27: Wilkinson, James Hardy (1986-10-05).

Valid HTML 4.01! IST http://web.ist.utl.pt/~mcasquilho/compute/qc/Fx-bagfill2.php
Created: 2009-09-27 — Last modified: 2009-09-30