Location: average, median, total median
Assesses the above location statistics.
2025.Mar.07 02:25:32
Distribution Gaussian or Weibull. •
Sample size Sample size (5, 7, 10). •
Parameters Gaussian μ, σ or Weibull θ, λ. •
lgN, .seed N. of trials (lg), RNG seed. •
Show values ? Shows the coordinates of the graph. •

Simulates samples from one of the distributions, Gaussian or Weibull, in order to assess three statistics as measures of location: average, median, and 'total median'.

For the base data, the total median has the smallest (simulated) variability.

Plots the simulated 'pdf' of the cited statistics.

References: Plate: AveMedTmed

• Wikipedia: Weibull distributionWeibull.com

• NIST/SEMATECH Eng.ing Statistics Handbook, Weibull (& See "Note:".)

• Google: "total median"

Figueiredo, F., Ivette Gomes, 2004, "The total median in statistical quality control", Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, Oct., pp 339–353 (and also pdf).

Schilling, Edward G. and Dean V. Neubauer, 2009, "Acceptance Sampling in Quality Control", Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, FL (USA).

• 1881-08-01: Toeplitz, Otto (1940-02-15).

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Created: 2016-08-01 — Last modified: 2016-08-07