"Inspection by variables"
  Performs the "Z1.9" acceptance sampling procedure for inspection by variables for AQL specified.
2025.Feb.21 18:11:49
L, U Lower and upper specification limits.
AQL's both % Values of AQL (%) for L and U, respectively.
n Sample size.
.Seed To get a random sample (RS).
Seed: <0 | 0 | >0, ignored | RS | repeatable RS.
Sample: Sample units (keep 5 values if 'RS', above).
  Performs the "acceptance sampling plan" of the standard ANSI/ASQ Z1.9 [2003; ISO, 2007] —here, a previous version [1980, p 38 ff]. The base case is Example B-4 [op. cit., p 40], "double specification limit, variability unknown, standard deviation method, different AQL values for upper and lower specification limits". The inspected variable is assumed Gaussian.
  For a settled specification limit (or just "spec") L (or U), let the customer state his lot size, N, and AQL. To decide whether a lot will be accepted or rejected : from N obtain (Table A-2) the sample size, n; from the sample, compute QL = (XbarL) ⁄ s [or QU = (UXbar) ⁄ s]. If the quality index QL (or QU), say Q  (the greater the better), is Q ≥ k (Table B-1) for the AQL and n chosen, the lot is accepted, otherwise it is rejected. This is Form 1. Also, Form 2, below, can be used in this single spec case, with only one condition (for L or U) tested.
  If both specs, L and U, are present, compute (or from Table B-5) the ω's, "estimates of the (lower, upper) lot fraction nonconforming": from QL and n, ωL; and from QU and n, ωU. If ωL ≤ ML, ωU ≤ MU, and ωL+ωU ≤  max(ML, MU), simultaneously, the lot is accepted, otherwise it is rejected. NB: in this Plate, ω is just roughly computed (under contruction).
References: Plate: Commapoint

• "American National Standard – Sampling procedures and tables for inspection by variables for percent nonconforming, Z1.9-1980", 1980, American Society for Quality Control, Milwaukee, WI (USA) (Newsletter.pdf, 1983).

• "ANSI/ASQ Z1.9-2003: sampling procedures and tables for inspection by variables for percent nonconforming", 2003, American Society for Quality, Milwaukee, WI (USA).

• ISO 3951-3:2007, 2007, "Sampling procedures for inspection by variables — Part 3: Double sampling schemes indexed by acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection", www.iso.org. (See also Parts 1 and 2.)

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Created: 2007-06-01 — Last modified: 2007-06-04