Bags: estimate (μ, σ) & validate
Computes estimates and (simulation) confidence intervals.UNDER CONSTRUCTION
2025.Mar.07 02:47:54
Data source:     Table | Given sample sizes •
Table of
sizes, sums
Table of sizes and sums of samples.
In Amer. or Euro. format (matrix, csv, copy-paste). •
μ, σ Gaussian parameters for G or R, to be "recovered". •
Given sample sizes (≥ 2 values) Given sample sizes; weights simulated. •
Confidence level % Confidence level for the intervals. •
Simulation Trials, classes, seed (seed = 0: nonrepeatable). •
x-limits for plots
Neither | Left | Right | Both. •
Show values ? Shows the graph coordinates.

Computes, under Gaussian item assumption: point estimates, analytically; and confidence intervals, by Monte Carlo simulation.

The data are given from: a table (such as above), or given sample sizes (then, with simulated weights). In the case of "given", the sample weights (sums) are randomly generated, and μ and σ are "recovered".

The case of equal sample sizes (simply obtained with 'given sample sizes' all equal) validates the method, since, by simulation, it leads to corresponding Student's and chi-squared distributions, as expected.

Other suggested data: (a) table20.txt, giving (μ, σ) = (#, #); or (b) 14 16 27 13 24 10 25 25 46 (copy-paste to the textarea), giving μ in (24.93, 25.02), σ in (0.14, 0.29); or (c) 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6, giving (24.97, 25.02), (0.098, 0.278).

Draws plots of the behavior of locations and variabilities.

References: Plate: BagsSimCIvalid

• PHP — Handling file uploads. POST method uploads.

• 1436-06-06: Regiomontanus, Johann Müller († 1476-07-06, 40 yrs.).

Valid HTML 4.01! IST http://web.ist.utl.pt/~mcasquilho/compute/qc/Fx-BagsSimCIvalid.php
Created: 2021-06-06 — Last modified: 2021-06-23