Confidence intervals: simulation from random samples
Computes CI's from unequal size samples' sums.
2025.Mar.07 02:33:46
Sample sizes Sample sizes. •
μ, σ Parameters μ and σ, Gaussian. •
Confidence level % Level for the confidence intervals. •
Trials, points, seed Monte Carlo trials, points, seed. •
x limit(s) for μ Plot   x axis limits for 1.st Plot.
x limit(s) for σ Plot   x axis limits for 2.nd Plot.
Show values Show the graph coordinates.

Simulates samples of size T, as 'sample sizes' (above), each containing a set of (generally) unequal nt, with t = 1..T, elements, in order to compute “exact” confidence intervals. The elements are Gaussian with the given μ and σ.

Draws plots of: the estimated value of μ; and the estimated value of σ.

References: Plate: BagsGenSimulCI

• Wikipedia: Monte Carlo method

• 1894-11-19: Hopf, Heinz († 1971-06-03, 76 yrs.).

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Created: 2020-11-19 — Last modified: 2020-11-18