Sampling plan for a Gaussian variable (Mil-Std-414)
  Calculates a sampling plan, (n, k), for use in acceptance sampling of a Gaussian variable, as in Mil-Std-414, variability unknown.
2025.Feb.21 21:28:26
1−α, β Probabilities of acceptance. •
krit, tol, maxcal Criterion (power of discrepancy), tolerance, max. calls (for simplex). •
n, k Initial values for n and k. •
z1, z2 Scale factors for n and k.
  Calculates the sampling plan, ie., n and k, sample size and acceptability constant, for which it will be Qk, with
       Q = (xbarL) ⁄ s
   No simple formulas are given, as the (implicit) rigorous method is used, the two following, classical simultaneous equations (for AQL and LTPD) being solved:
        F(t0; f, δ1) = 1 − α
        F(t0; f, δ2) = β
Here, it is t0 = kn and δ = −Φ−1(ω) √n, with ω = AQL, LTPD.

• See Resnikoff & Lieberman.

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Created: 2004-11-12 — Last modified: 2007-10-11