Distribution of the reciprocal of an IG variable
      Draws (via Monte Carlo) the (PDF) distribution curve for 1⁄x, with x an "inverse Gaussian" random variable. 07 Mar 2025, Friday, 03:19:47
Title A (preferably unique) title for the graph. •
Terminal style 1: "ps" & Times-Roman     2: "ppm", plot-likeGnuplot "terminal" style.
n, jrepeat No. of data (sample size), repeatability. •
μ Mean (positive).
σ or λ = Parameter: σ or λ = μ3σ2.
bl, bu+ * 1.st lower, last upper boundaries.  (*See below.)
nkl, ymax No. of classes, max. Y (automatic if 0).
xmax, m For the graph: 0 ≤ xxmax, with m points.
Show values Shows the coordinates of the curve.
   Draws the (pdf) graph of the distribution of the reciprocal of an "inverse Gaussian" variable.  The histogram is shown.
   For formulas, see "Inverse Gaussian" distribution in this site.
• Seshadri, V., 1999, "The inverse Gaussian distribution", Springer (Lecture Notes in Statistics), New York,  NY (USA).  (IST: QA276.7.SES & .51457)
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Created: 20-Set-2004 — Last modified: 2007-10-13