Goodness-of-fit test
    Performs a chi-square based goodness-of-fit test, for a selected distribution from a set. Under construction
n No. of data values
nclass No. of classes for the data
Dist Distribution for which the test is to be carried out.
par(1), par(2) Parameters of the distribution.
Gaussian:mean (μ), standard deviation (σ) 
Uniform:boundaries (a, b) Chi-squared:no. of degrees of freedom (ν), —
Exponential:mean (μ), — Gamma:α, β
npest No. of estimated parameters.
par(1), par(2) First   Second Observations •
Mode An option
Vec Observations
Explanation; environment
(82px) References

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Created: 08-Nov-2003 — Last update: 09-Nov-2003