Average of exponentials
  Simulates (via Monte Carlo) an average of exponential variables and relates it to a χ² distribution.
2025.Feb.21 18:15:38
ntr, .seed ×10³   No. of trials (samples); generator seed, any integer (iff  0, nonrepeatable). •
n Sample size.
μ Mean of exponential variable.
nkl, ymax No. of classes; max. y [automatic if 0 (no point)].
bl1, bunkl Lower and upper class boundaries. •
Show values Shows the coordinates of the graph.
  The variable T = 2 n Xbarμ follows a χ² distribution with 2 n degrees of freedom. A comparison is made between the simulated T and this analytical distribution.  (If ntr × n is greater than 30 millions, 'ntr' is reduced.)
• Eric W. Weisstein, "Exponential Distribution." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource
• Eric W. Weisstein, "Chi-Squared Distribution." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource
Article ST-A522
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Created: 2006-05-22 — Last modified: 2007-10-13