Acceptance-rejection: triangular distribution
Applies acceptance-rejection (or inversion) to a symmetrical "triangular" distribution.
2025.Mar.07 03:31:21
method Transform method. •
trials, .seed × 106 N. of ("accepted") trials from distribution (≤ 4 millions), seed. •
μ, a Mean and (positive) half breadth [x ∈ (μ ± a)]. •
klasses N. of classes (points) for graph. •
.L, U Lower and upper limits for probability verification. •
Show values Show the values of the graph coordinates.

Applies the acceptance-rejection method of Monte Carlo simulation to a (symmetrical) "triangular" distribution whose "hat function" is a cosine. A comparison is made with the known, theoretical results.

References: Plate simrejtriangular

• L'Ecuyer, Pierre, 2004, pdf (=), at Univ. de Montréal, Montréal (Québec, Canada).

• Devroye, Luc, 2004, pdf (=), Computational Geometry Lab, Carlton Univ., Ottawa (Ontario, Canada).

• Random Number Bibliography, RandomNumber.org .

• 1898-02-03: Urysohn, Pavel S. (–1924, Brittany).

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Created: 2008-02-03 — Last modified: 2021-05-22