Weibull distribution
Simulates (Monte Carlo) data from a Weibull distribution. UNDER CONSTRUCTION
2025.Feb.20 19:34:29
Shape, scale Parameters shape and scale of distribution. •
N, .seed 10 ^ No. of trials, random no. gener. seed. •
klass No. of histogram classes. •
Show values ? Shows the coordinates of the graph. •

Simulates, via Monte Carlo (limited time), a Weibull random variable. The Weibull 'pdf' and 'cdf', respectively, f and F, with parameters k, shape, and λ, scale, with x ≥ 0, are:

f(x) = (kλ) (xλ)k−1 exp[−(xλ)k] F(x) = 1 − exp[−(xλ)k]

For simulation by inversion, it becomes (xλ)k = ln(1 − F) or x = λ [ln(1 − F)]1 ⁄ k.

Plots: the simulated 'pdf', fsim; the theoretical 'pdf', fthe, and the 'cdf' (from fsim), F.

References: Plate: SimWeibull

• Google "Weibull distribution"

• Google "Monte Carlo method"

• 1618-04-02: Grimaldi, Francesco Maria (1663-12-28).

Valid HTML 4.01! IST http://web.ist.utl.pt/~mcasquilho/compute/or/Fx-simWeibull.php
Created: 2016-04-02 — Last modified: 2016-04-03