RNG: Gauss, exponential, beta
  Generates a random sample from a selected probability distribution.
2025.Mar.07 02:32:23
n Sample size (n ≤10 000).
Distribution Gauss   Expon.   Beta (slow !) Choose distribution: Gauss, exponential, beta.
Numbering Sample vector is numbered (1, 2, 3…).
Parameters μ = ;   σ = Parameters used: Gauss, beta, 'μ' and 'σ'; Exponential: 'μ'.
L, U Lower and upper specification limits.
.Seed (0, >0: non-, repeating) Integer seed for the simulation. •
  If you wish to receive a file with the sample to be generated, ask for a code (for security reasons) that will be sent to your e-mail address.  Then, fill in the following field with your e-mail address and the code, separated by (only) a comma.
Address  Blank  or  address,code (no spaces!).
  Generates a random sample from a selected distribution. The underlying pseudo-random numbers come from the Fortran 90 compiler.
 † Each distribution imposes limits on its parameters.
  If you supply your e-mail address, you'll receive the results; or else, you can get them e.g. this way: select all (Ctrl_A), copy (Ctrl_C), and paste (Ctrl_V) in a file (text, .doc, etc.)
References or suggested reading: Plate RNGGEB08214

• Hillier, F. S., G. J. Lieberman, 2002, "Introduction to Operations Research", 7.th ed., McGraw-Hill.

• Miller, Alan J., software [Feb-2008].

• Burkardt, John, software [Feb-2008].

Valid HTML 4.01! IST http://web.ist.utl.pt/~mcasquilho/compute/or/Fx-randRNGgeb.php
Created: 2003-07-14 — Last modified: 2008-02-16