Solves a typical
Transportation Problem (TP) or Hitchcock's problem, using the
IBM ILOG CPLEX software.
The data structure must be the classical cost matrix, surrounded
(to the right) by the sources' supplies and
(below) by the destinations' demands.
(Here, total supply must equal total demand.)
The data must be separated by standard characters:
space, tab (such as from Excel by copy-paste) or csv,
in coherent American or European style.
The last value must be 0 (dummy) or another value.
In the latter case, it is compared to the problem capacity
(sum of supplies or sum of demands).
With the default data, the problem (which has multiple,
2, solutions) gives z* = 1400.
A graph is done showing the costs related to each place
(set of source places, then of destination places). Obviously,
in each set, the cost equals the minimum cost computed.
Acknowledgements: See CPLEX problem. |