Use of slider
2025.Feb.21 22:42:16
Vertices Range of the number of vertices. •
Radius Radius of circle. •
Show values ? Shows the graph coordinates.

Computes # Calls ('action=') Sliders.php, then using 'shell_exec' to call 'Sliders.exe' with due command line arguments.

The perimeter, P, of a regular polygon with N vertices inscribed in a circle of radiur R is P = 2 N R sin(πN)  (→ 2 πR), and its area, A, with θ = 2 πN, is A = π R² sin(θ) ⁄ θ  (→ πR²).

Plots the perimeters and areas for the given range of number of vertices.

Joint work with: Prof. João L. Miranda (IPP) — IPP, Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre (Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre), Portalegre, Portugal.

References: Plate: PolygonsMaxPeriArea

• Google: "perimeter of inscribed polygon" • Area, perimeter • Wikipedia: Regular polygon

• 1915-06-16: Tukey, John Wilder (†2000-07-26, 85 yrs.).

Valid HTML 4.01! IST http://web.ist.utl.pt/~mcasquilho/compute/meeting/Sliders/Fx-slider.php
Created: 2022-06-16 — Last modified: 2022-08-06