Random and sort
Creates random values and sorts them (template).
2025.Feb.21 22:09:32
Points (≤ 1.e+5) N. of random points.
Method   Sorting method
Seed Simulation RNG seed.
Show values (up to 500 points) Show graph coordinates.

Creates random points and sorts them (ascendingly). This is a template.

Draws the random points and their sorted values.

Computation structure — A PHP file (this page: 'Fx-randSort.php') calls (via 'action=') an intermediate PHP file ('RandSort.php'), which (through $_POST) sends the problem data as command line arguments to a Fortran 90 executable. This last does the computing, and makes 'system' call(s) to 'gnuplot', for the final (temporary) webpage. Keywords: PHP, command line arguments, Fortran executable, gnuplot.

References: Plate: RandSort

• (Wikipedia) PHP (from Personal Home Page).

• Gnuplot line and point types

• (Wikipedia) Fortran (Fortran 90). • (Wikipedia) gnuplot.

• What is Informatics ? (IUPUI, Indiana Univ. Purdue Univ. Indianapolis) • "Computation Structures" (MIT Press) • John Burkardt

• CISTI'2023, 18.ª Conferência Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação ( Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies), Aveiro (Portugal), 20–23 June 2023.

• 1894-11-19: Hopf, Heinz (†1971-06-03, 76 yrs.).

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Created: 2022-11-28 — Last modified: 2022-12-18