From Binomial to Monte Carlo
Simulates from probability given as "table".
2025.Feb.21 22:41:11
Binomial: n, p Binomial n and p.
Simulation option       Option.
ntrials, seed, classes (> 0: alternative) N. of simulation trials, RNG seed, histogram classes.
Show values Show graph coordinates.

Simulates from a given binomial distribution.

'SIngle': confirms the given Binomial; 'Sum of 2': simulates the sum of 2 binomial variables; 'Product of 2': ditto, the product — suggested alternative classes, 9; 'Product of 3': ditto, the product of 3 — suggested alternative classes, 15.

The number of classes has to be chosen so as to avoid many classes with 0 occurrences. Indeed, the product of 2 binomials in [0, 10] cannot give, for example, 19 (a prime number).

Draws graphs with the given histogram for 'single' or the simulated functions.

References: Plate: SumBinomials

• (Wikipedia) PHP (from Personal Home Page) • Python (programming language)

• (Wikipedia) Binomial distribution

• numpy histogram (but see "Notes")

• CISTI'2024, 19.ª Conferencia Ibérica de Sistemas y Tecnologías de Información ( Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologíes), Cáceres (Spain), to be confirmed, 19–22 June 2024.

• 1907-02-09: Coxeter, Harold Scott MacDonald (†2003-03-31, 96 yrs.).

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Created: 2023-02-09 — Last modified: 2023-05-16