Animated parabolas
Makes an animated gif of parabolas.
2025.Feb.21 19:11:22
Max a y = −a x² + 0 x + (x0 Maximum (abs) a for parabola.
x0, Δx Left and right x values, and step.
nparab, delay N. of parabolas in animation, delay (0.01 s).
Show values Show graph coordinates.

Draws 'nparab' parabolas in (−x0, +x0), for animation. The coefficient a is varied linearly from 'Max a' towards 0.

Builds an animnated 'gif', and plots the parabolas' vertexes vs. a.

NB A "continuous" line could not be obtained, which remains as unsolved.

References: Plate: AnimParabs

• (Wikipedia) PHP (from Personal Home Page) • Python (programming language)

• (Wikipedia) GIF

• 1709-02-25: Riccati, Giordano (†1790-07-20, 81 yrs.).

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Created: 2023-02-26 — Last modified: 2023-05-16