Rössler attractor
Computes the evolution in differential equations (no fitting).
2025.Feb.21 19:22:14
ti, tf Time range.
Parameters ODEs' parameters.
Initial values IVP: initial.
Method        Method of integration.
Points N. of points in plot (from No. 0)
Show values Show graph coordinates.

Computes the evolution by integrating its ODEs, from given initial values. It is: x' = −yz; y' = x + a y; z' = b + z(xc). Integration is by Python 'scipy' module solver solve_ivp.

Files involved:# P-kinetSet.php (this one), KinetSet.php,

Draws plots of the integrated functions vs. time.

Python file (download):

Computation structure — A PHP file (this page: 'P-Rossler.php') calls (via 'action=...') an intermediate PHP file ('Rossler.php'), which (through $_POST) sends the problem data as command line arguments to a Python script. This last does the computing, and makes 'system' call(s) to 'gnuplot', for the final (temporary) webpage.

Keywords: PHP, command line arguments, Python script, gnuplot.

References: Plate: Rössler

• (Wikipedia) PHP (from Personal Home Page)

• Python module 'scipy' solver scipy.integrate.solve_ivp, accessed 02-Oct-2023.

• Rössler, O. E., 1976, "An equation for continuous chaos", Physics Letters A, 57:5, 397&endash;398. DOI: 10.1016/0375-9601(76)90101-8.

• CISTI'2025, 20.ª Conferência Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação ( Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies), Porto (Portugal), 19–22 June 2025 (to be confirmed).

• 1844-02-20: Boltzmann, Ludwig (†1906-09-05, 62 yrs.).

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Created: 2024-02-20 — Last modified: 2024-02-20