Area from irregular surface
Reduce shape to polygon and go.
2025.Feb.21 22:09:35
File to upload (Optional) Such as polygon.xlsx
Screen 'csv' data In 'csv' (Am or Eu) format,
ignored if a file is uploaded.
Computing mode   Generate random polygon or read given polygon.
Vertices (If Generate) N. of vertices for random polygon.
minS, maxS, seed (If Generate) Sides min & max, and seed.
Show values Show graph coordinates.

Computes the area of an irregular surface (such as a geographical map), based on defining several border points and giving their (x, y) coordinates.

The surface border simply becomes an irregular polygon. An unsolved problem is to avoid star polygons in the 'Generate' mode, in which "simple" polygons are generated with minS = maxS (> 0).

Draws a graph with the given points.

References: Plate: Geoarea

• Generate random 2D polygon (SaturnCloud)

• FAO, Calculating surface areas of irregular shaped fields (Food and Agriculture Organization),  Example 5.1. Two pentagons.txt .

• Sandhu, Sanjib, Niraj Kumar, Bhudev Kumar, 2013, "Random Polygon Generation through Convex Layers", Procedia Technology, 10:356–364, ISSN 2212-0173, DOI:10.1016/j.protcy.2013.12.371

• 1704-07-31: Cramer, Gabriel (†1752-01-04, 47 yrs.).

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Created: 2023-07-31 — Last modified: 2023-08-12