A semi-continuous reactor
Computes a semi-continuous reactor. UNDER CONSTRUCTION
2025.Feb.21 18:25:38
Capacity L Capacity of the upstream tank. •
Final time min Final time of reaction. •
Flow, quantity mol ⁄ L, mol Inlet flow and initial quantity. •
Kinetic constant, density min−1, kg ⁄ L Kinetic constant and inlet density. •
Molar mass g ⁄ mol Molar mass. •
Show values Show the graph coordinates.

Computes the conversion in a semi-continuous reactor.

Draws a corresponding graph.

Acknowledgement: Rafael C. Amoedo, Chem. Eng., MSc (IST, Univ. of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal).

References: Plate: Blocktariffs

• Wikipedia: Semibatch reactor

• 1853-07-18: Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon († 1928-02-04).

Valid HTML 4.01! IST http://web.ist.utl.pt/~mcasquilho/compute/com/Fx-screactor.php
Created: 2018-07-18 — Last modified: 2018-08-09