Solves a higher
(2.nd) order ordinary differential equation (ODE)
with known solution,
x = cos(kt ²) + at + b
x' = −2kt sin(kt ²) + a
x" = −2k sin(kt ²) −
4k ²t ² cos(kt ²)
for resolution as
x" = −2k sin(kt ²) −
4k ² (x − at - b)
t ²
with (necessarily)
x(0) = b + 1 and x'(0) = a, by the (usual)
Runge-Kutta order method.
The independent variable is t.
The two initial values are supposed given.
The equation is converted into an equivalent
system of first order equations, as is typically recommended.
The RK4 ( orderRunge-Kutta) method
supplies all the derivatives, up to n − 1,
besides the desired (numerically) integrated function.
So, in this example of a 2.nd order ODE
(n = 2), the method supplies n functions:
the function itself (derivative of order 0), x(t);
and the derivative (derivative of order 1),
Draws graphs for: x and x',
where the numerical and analytical solutions
are superimposed; and x", known analytical.
(This webpage is in version 2.) |