Cubic equation
   Finds the roots of a cubic equation analytically.
Title A (preferably unique) title for the graph. •
Terminal style 1: "ps" & Times-Roman     2: "ppm", plot-like Gnuplot "terminal" style. •
a, b, c, d Coefficients of the 3.rd degree polynomial (see below).
xmin, xmax, np Boundaries and no. of points in the graph.
   The polynomial has the formula a x3 + b x2 + c x + d = 0 .  It is supposed to avoid a, d = 0, values which lead to simpler cases.  (Try the coefficients −2, 27, −120, 176, respectively, with 4 < x < 5.)
Cubic equation (Jan J. Tuma)
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Created: 11-Jan-2004 — Last update: 12-Jan-2004