Quality, Statistics — SAS
- General
• SAS: SAS Institute Inc.; SAS Campus Drive; Cary, North Carolina 27513, USA • Jim Goodnight.pdf.
  • Customer support: knowledge base (KB); papers • Documentation: SAS Press • KB: Samples & SAS notes; SAS Focus Areas.
• G'b Schlotzhauer et al. [1997]. • Research & Stat. Support (U. of N. Texas). • Intro. to SAS progr.ing.pdf. • Importing Excel data.pdf. • Basic SAS progr.ing example; Intro. to SAS (U. N. Carolina) • Prog. skills (NW. Univ.). • Intro. to SAS procedures (Iowa S. Univ.).
• G'b, full "Step-by-step" [2001]. (G'b = Google book)
• Hosmer & Lemeshow (UCLA). • Code samples (DeVenezia). • Topics in SAS Programming (Univ. of N. Carolina).
• Examples in SAS Programming (Univ. of Arizona). • Examples (Virginia Tech.). • Sample SAS Programs (Arizona State Univ.).
• What you need to know (Columbia Univ.).
- References, bibliography

• West, Brady, Kathleen B. Welch, Andrzej T. Gałecki, 2006, "Linear Mixed Models: a practical guide using statistical software", Chapman & Hall, Boca Raton, FL (USA) (codes).

• Schlotzhauer, Sandra D., Ramon C. Littell, 1997, "SAS System for elementary statistical analysis", SAS Publishing, ISBN 978-1-58025-018-4 (sample.pdf).

• SAS Inst., 2001, "Step-by-step programming with Base SAS software", SAS Publishing, ISBN 1-58025-791-7 (sample.pdf).

• Neter, John, William Wasserman, Michael H. Kutner, 1990, "Applied linear statistical models: regression, analysis of variance, and experimental designs", ed. Irwin, Homewood, IL (USA).

• Keith Cranford: " How to Excel with SAS".pdf. • Linda Lucek: Using EGuide.pdf. • Rita Carreira: How to import Excel.pdf.

• "SAS for Unix".pdf (Stanford Univ. Libr.s & Acad. Info. Resources).

• Silva, Giovani Loiola da, Sec. Estatística e Apl., Dept. of Maths., IST.

• Calama Sainz, Rafael (cv.pdf), INIA (Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agraria y Alimentaria), Spain

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Created: 2008-10-10 — Last modified: 2016-12-03