Gaussian cloche
Dons a curve ("triangular") with a Gaussian cloche
2025.Mar.09 14:19:10
Extremes a, b Interval, axb for the curve.
Specification % Acceptable fraction of interval.
Trials (N), seed   Monte Carlo trials, seed.
Points N. of plot points.
Show values Show graph coordinates.

Adjusts ("dons") a Gaussian cloche on a symmetrical triangular (particular).

Shows the graphical result:  (a) 'ftheo', the theoretical (triangular) pdf, typically unknown;  (b) 'simul', the simulated curve;  (c) 'Gauss', the Gaussian cloche, tentatively adapted to 'b'; and  (d) 'Ftheo', the theoretical (triangular) cdf, typically unknown. Thus, (b) and (c) are the essential results.

References: Plate: GaussianCloche

• (Wikipedia) PHP (from Personal Home Page)

• (Wikipedia) Cloche hat or cloche.

• 1870-03-07: Lindelöf, Ernst Leonard (†1946-06-04, 76 yrs.).

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Created: 2025-03-07 — Last modified: 2025-03-09