Random maps (general edge weights)
Generates maps and finds shortest paths.
2025.Feb.21 19:17:17
Nodes, symmetry   Simulation: n. of nodes, symmetry.
L, U Lower and upper weights.
N N. of trials.
Seed, class width RNG seed, histogram class width.
Sample ∈ [1, N] Sample, for independent* evaluation (0: none).
Show values Show graph coordinates.

Finds, by Dijkstra's algorithm, the shortest paths in N simulated graphs. The edges have weights in [L, U] (integers, as in the algorithm used).

Draws graphs of the relative frequencies of the N shortest paths and of the step chain lengths. These are "density"-type (not "frequency"-type) histograms with given cell width, w. (Iff w = 1, the bar values add up to unity.)

After execution, to fetch the longest step chain, come back and use these data in the link below.

*For an "independent" verification, copy & paste to: shortest path . (We have found no simpler alternative.).

Computation structure — A PHP file (this page: 'Fx-randMap.php') calls (via 'action=') an intermediate PHP file ('RandMap.php'), which (through $_POST) sends the problem data as command line arguments to a Fortran 90 executable. This last does the computing, and makes 'system' call(s) to 'gnuplot', for the final (temporary) webpage. Keywords: PHP, command line arguments, Fortran executable, gnuplot.

References: Plate: RandomMap

• (Wikipedia) Dijkstra's algorithm • PHP (Personal Home Page) • Fortran (Fortran 90) • gnuplot

• 'gnuplotfortran' (not used, so as not to lose programming language generality)

• Engineering Statistics Handbook, (search 'two common'), NIST/SEMATECH e-Handbook of Statistical Methods. DOI: 10.18434/M32189

• "Computation structure", expression (at University of Washington).

• CISTI'2023, 18.ª Conferência Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação ( Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies), Aveiro (Portugal), 21–24 June 2023.

• 1765-12-22: Pfaff, Johann Friedrich (†1825-04-21, 59 yrs.).

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Created: 2022-12-22 — Last modified: 2023-01-23