Quality Control  Objectives, programme (as in the Athens Programme website)

• Objectives

Quality Control is an indispensable aspect of production, in any domain (industry, commerce, services, health, education), and measurement is necessary to verify whether work is correctly done and the customers' expectations are met or exceeded. The basic techniques of Quality Control are presented, preceeded by a reference to the relationship with the customer.

• Programme
Part I

Quality (Q): what it is. Historical evolution: Shewhart, Deming, Juran, Taguchi. Q control and Q management. Certification; standardization. Continuous improvement. Statistical Q control; interest and application in production and the other activities. Technical, economical and legal aspects.

Part II

Statistical process control (SPC) (in-process). (a) Control charts. Reference to simulation (Monte Carlo method). (b) Measures of location: X-bar (mean) charts. (c) Measures of dispersion: R (range) charts and s (standard deviation) charts. Usual approximations and the exact charts. (d) p (fraction nonconforming or defective) charts; c (number of nonconforming) charts.

Part III

Acceptance sampling by "attributes" (discrete variables). (a) AQL (acceptable Q level) and producer's and consumer's risks. (b) Sampling inspection: criteria, sample size determination. (c) The standard MIL-STD-105 and its ANSI/ASQC and ISO equivalents.

Part IV

Acceptance sampling by "variables" (continuous variables). (a) Goodness-of-fit test; fit to the Gauss distribution. (b) AQL and producer's and consumer's risks. (c) Sampling inspection: criteria, sample size determination. (d) The standard MIL-STD-414 and its ANSI/ASQC and ISO equivalents. (e) Specifications: one, two specification limits.

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