GNUPLOT Version 3.7 patchlevel 2 (last modified Sat Jan 19 15:23:37 GMT 2002) Installation on Alfa: Jan 2003
   Gnuplot is an interactive plotting programme.  Here, we will address the question of preparing a Unix generated plot for use in an Internet (or Windows) environment.  The following steps are suggested.
1.    Have a file named .gnuplot placed in the root directory containing some convenient permanent directives, such as:
set terminal pbm medium color
set output "gnu.out"
set data style lines
set nokey
set time
set size 0.85,0.85
(Plot will be of type "pbm" with these characteristics.)
(Sets the name of the file, gnu.out, to be created.)
(The plot will have a "line" —or "points", "dots", etc..)
(Suppresses the "key" or legend.)
(Creation time will be shown on plot.)
(Plot will be this fraction of its normal size.)
2.    Produce a file, say gnudata.txt, with 2 (or more) columns of numbers, x and y (possibly interspersed with comment lines, beginning with #):
#My data are:
3.    Run gnuplot.  At its prompt, execute plot "gnudata.txt" (as per 2.), and quit with the command quit (or simply q).  The output file gnu.out (as per 1.) has been created.  (This is a "pbm", portable bitmap, file, needing conversion to, say "gif".)
4.    To convert gnu.out (as per 3.) to a gif file, say gnu.gif, execute at least the first Unix command:
     /usr/local/bin/netpbm/ppmtogif gnu.out > gnu.gif
     rm -f gnu.out
The file gnu.gif has been created.  ( a) Indeed, "pbm" and "ppm" are right.  b) Conversion to gif files is the only one available.)
5.    Suggestions  Work is easier with eps (encapsulated postscript) and a script, say gnuload:
• In .gnuplot, use appropriately 'set terminal postscript eps enhanced "Times-New-Roman" 32', 'set output "gnu.eps"', 'set size 1.0,1.0'.
• Create two files, gnuload.txt and (in the path) gnuload, respectively, containing the following, and execute the batch command gnuload:
     [gnuload.txt]  open "gnudata.txt"
     [gnuload]        gnuplot .../bin/gnuload.txt
The file gnu.eps has been created.

Last update: 06-Jul-2003