Gestão da Qualidade / Quality Management
QNT Weekly Bibliografia • ◊Pauta Avaliação • ◊Notas
• Didactic texts†
• 1999-Aug The Critical Role of Quality In the Tourism System.pdf, fig-1, fig-2, table-1
• 2003-Mar L'industrie du tourisme apprend à vivre les situations de guerre.pdf  (in «Le Monde»)
 • 2003-May Turismo: uma nova fronteira.pdf
• 2002 Índice dum livro sobre Qualidade.pdf (A. R. Pires)  (tamanho dos capítulos): qualidade, certificação, normas ISO-9000.
 • 2002-Dec  Q history What is Six Sigma ?.pdf (Dan. Quinn) • 2002-May Motorola (Six Sigma).pdf
 • 2007-Oct Q gurus; original Q gurus (UK gov.)
• 2002-Aug Straight Talk From Juran (Top management).pdf, On Leadership.pdf
 • (–) It could be better: Kerast.pdf  Nesc.
 • 1999-Nov O cliente.pdf (Portalegre)
• 2003-Jan Understand customer behavior and complaints.pdf
• 2003-Mar Survey for Action, Not Satisfaction.pdf (Pareto), fig-1, fig-2, fig-3, fig-4, fig-5, fig-6
• 2001-Oct Why Quality Gets an 'F'.pdf, fig-1
• 2002-Feb Food Safety Incidents Around the World.pdf
• 2002-Jun (SO) The Whole Truth and... .pdf
• 2002-Summer Uma avaliação da situação actual da Q (Gregory Watson).pdf
• 1998-Apr Farewell Fusillade (Bert Gunter)
• 2002-Nov (BtB) Using the Cumulative Line (Pareto).pdf, fig-1, fig-2, table-1, table-2
• 2003-Mar (BtB) QFD Explained.pdf, fig-1
• 1999-Jul (SO) Implementing the Six Sigma Solution (Former favorite airline).pdf, fig-1A, fig-1B, fig-2A, fig-2B, fig-2C, fig-3, fig-4, fig-5, fig-6
• 1999-Mar (OGI, One good idea) Reduce Variation and Save Money.pdfsolution.pdf, solution.xls;   3 or six sigma?.xls
• 1999-Sep (SR) Why Should Statisticians Pay Attention to Six Sigma?.pdf, table-1, table-2

• Complementos
◊:• 2007-Jun 10 Q basics
◊:• 2006-Feb Your customers are talking…; Manage complaints
◊:• 2005-Oct Prepare students for technical careers; The write stuff for Q; The power of dynamic illustrations
 • 2004-Nov L'affaire Vioxx  («Le Monde», 4-Nov; Google "affaire Vioxx"; "USA Today")
 • 2004-Oct What is Q ? (Doris Quinn CQI, Vanderbilt 'MoT') • Q na Vodafone
 • 2004-Aug SGS, cursosQ-Carrefourfactura não
 Quality Press contents (Spring/Summer 2003)
• 2002-Jul Quality Glossary
 ASQ InfoSearch (sumários da QP em acesso livre, em especial…)     Quality Glossary
 ASQ Publications Bauer; Duffy; Westcott (eds.) (≥2001) "The Quality Improvement Handbook" (excerto.pdf)
 • 1995-Jan The straining of q. (The Econ.) Vocabulário; in .tiff
 ASQ, Juran Inst., "Hist. & Future of Q Manag.".pps, J. De Feo (24 sl.) (IE only ?)
 Six sigma or not so ?  SixSigma.xls,  (old) Sigmas.xlsGL/2-1.xlsGL/2-1a.xls
• 1999-Oct (SR) Importance of variation and mean.pdf (Franklin et al.)
• 2000-Oct (SR) Six Sigma Improves Both Statistical Training and Processes.pdf, fig-1, table-1, table-2, table-3, table-4, table-5
• 2002-Sep Deming and Me (your own healthcare).pdf
• 2002-Oct (SR) Find Confidence In Statistical Significance.pdf, table-1
• 2002-Nov (MfM) Mass Measurements.pdf
• 2001-Mar What would Deming say ?.pdf (Spigener & Angelo)
• 2001-Mar Resolving the Process Paradox.pdf, fig-1, fig-2, fig-3, fig-4, fig-5, fig-6
• 2002-Nov Your résumé.pdf
† Nos pdf, os links estão inactivos.  Siglas iniciais referem secções da QP.
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Created: 2003-03 — Last modified: 2015-03-14