ANSI/ASQC Z1.4-1981 (modified Mil-Std 105D)
TABLE I --- Sample size code letters
Lot or batch size General inspection levels
2to8 AAB
9to15 ABC
16to25 BCD
26to50 CDE
51to90 CEF
91to150 DFG
151to280 EGH
281to500 FHJ
501to1200 GJK
1201to3200 HKL
3201to10000 JLM
10001to35000 KMN
35001to150000 LNP
150001to500000 MPQ
500001andover NQR
"Special" inspection levels (S-1, S-2, S-3 and S-4) have not been included.

Last update: 16-Nov-2001