Jan Cederquist
Departamento de Engenharia Informática
Instituto Superior Técnico
Tagus Park
2780-990 Porto Salvo
Tel: +351 214233262 (Ext. 5062)
Fax: +351 214233268

I am an assistant professor at IST, Technical University of Lisbon,
since 2006, and a member of the SQIG - IT group.
Research interests
Mathematical modelling, formal specification and
verification. My current research involves design and
verification of security protocols, and language based
Current teaching
Specification (ES5)
Former teaching
Analysis and Synthesis of Algorithms, Advanced Topics on
Algorithms, Compilers, Introduction
to Algorithms and Data Structures, Foundations of
Programming, Language Based Security (PhD), Operating
Systems, Software Quality, Software Security (MSc).
Fernando Mário Machado Marques (MSc).
Carlos Magno Gaspar Vasconcelos (MSc).
26th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Software
and Testing Track, TaiChung, Taiwan, March 21-25, 2011. Track chair.
25th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Software
and Testing Track, Sierre,
Switzerland, March 22-26, 2010. Track chair.
SESYS 2006's (part of ICSNC 2006) Member of the Technical Program Committee.
Previous positions
(2004-2006) Post doc, dept
of CS, University of
Twente, The Netherlands. (2004) Post doc, SEN cluster,
CWI, Amsterdam, The
Netherlands. (2003) Post doc, EVEREST group,
INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis,
France. (1999-2000) Researcher, FDT lab, SICS, Stockholm, Sweden.
(1997-1999) Post doc, dept
of Computing, Imperial
College, London, UK. (1991-1997) PhD student, dept of CS, Göteborg University,
(2000-2003) Prover
Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. (1988-1991) SEMCON, Trollhättan,
Sweden. (1985-1988) KG Process AB, Trollhättan, Sweden.
F. M. M. Marques, A. Almeida Matos and J. Cederquist.
Integrating paper-based voting and Belenios -- a hybrid
voting protocol for an academic organization. To appear in
the proceedings of INFORUM 2017.
Design and Analysis of Security Protocols
M. Torabi Dashti Y. Wang and J. Cederquist. Risk balance in
optimistic non-repudiation protocols. In 9th International Workshop on
Formal Aspects of Security and Trust (FAST'11), pages 263--277,
J. Cederquist and M. Torabi Dashti. Complexity of Fairness
Constraints for the Dolev-Yao In 26th ACM Symposium On Applied Computing (ACM
SAC'11), pages 1502--1509, ACM, 2011.
J. Cederquist, M. Torabi
Dashti and S. Mauw. A Certified Email Protocol using Key
Chains. In 21st
International conference on Advanced Information
networking and Applications Workshops/Symposia (AINA'07),
volume 1, pages 525--530. IEEE CS press, 2007.
J. Cederquist and M. Torabi Dashti. An Intruder Model for
Verifying Liveness in Security Protocols. In A. D. Gordon
and D. Sands, editors, 4th
ACM workshop on Formal Methods in Security (FMSE'06),
pages 23--31. ACM, 2006.
J. Cederquist, R. Corin and M. Torabi Dashti. On
impartiality: Design and analysis of a fair
non-repudiation protocol. In S. Qing, W. Mao, J.
Lopez and G. Wang, editors, 7th
International Conference on Information and
Communications Security (ICICS'05), LNCS 3783,
pages 27--39. Springer-Verlag, 2005.
J. Cederquist and M. T. Dashti. Formal
Analysis of a Fair Payment Protocol. In T. Dimitrakos
and F. Martinelli, editors, 2nd International Workshop on Formal Aspects of
Security and Trust (FAST'04), IFIP, volume 173, pages
41--54. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004. [pdf]
Information Flow
A. Almeida Matos and J. Cederquist.
Distributed Noninterference, In 22nd Euromicro
International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and
Network-Based Processing (PDP'14), pp. 760-764,
A. Almeida Matos and J. Cederquist. Informative
Types and Effects for Hybrid Migration Control, In 4th
International Conference on Runtime Verification (RV'13),
LNCS 8174, pp. 21-39, 2013.
A. Almeida Matos and J. Cederquist. Non-Disclosure for
Distributed Mobile Code. In Mathematical Structures in Computer Science,
special issue on Programming Language Interference and
Dependence, Vol. 21, No. 6, pages 1111--1181, 2011.
Audit Logic
J. G. Cederquist, R. Corin, M. A. C. Dekker, S. Etalle, J.
I. den Hartog and G. Lenzini. Audit-based compliance
control. In T. Dimitrakos, F. Martinelli, P. Ryan and S.
Schneider, editors, Internarional
Journal of Information Security (IJIS'07), volume
6, issue 2. Springer Verlag, 2007.
J. G. Cederquist, R. Corin, M. A. C. Dekker, S. Etalle and
J. I. den Hartog. An
Logic for Accountability. In A. Sakai and W. H.
Winsborough, editors, 6th
International Workshop on Policies for Distributed Systems
and Networks (POLICY'05), pages 34--43. IEEE
Computer Society Press, 2005.
Role Based Access Control
M. A. C. Decker, J. G. Cederquist, J. Crampon, S. Etalle.
Extended Privilege Inheritance in RBAC (short paper). In R.
H. Deng and P. Samarati, editors, Proceedings of the 2nd ACM Symposium on
Information, Computer and Communications Security
(ASIACCS'07). ACM press, 2007.
Formalization of Cryptology
G. Bathe, J. Cederquist and S. Tarento. A
Machine-Checked Formalization of the Generic Model and the
Random Oracle Model. In D. Basin and M. Rusinowitch,
editors, 2nd
International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning
(IJCAR'04), LNCS 3097, pages 385-399, 2004.
Mobile Code Security
J. Cederquist and P. Giambiagi. Implementations that
Preserve Confidentiality (Extended Abstract). Short
presentation at Logic in Computer Science 2000 (LICS'00),
Type Theory and Formal Topology
J. Cederquist and T. Coquand. Entailment
distributive lattices. In S. R. Buss, P. Hájek and P.
Pudlák, editors, Logic
Colloquium '98, Lecture Notes in Logic, volume 13,
pages 127--139. Association for Symbolic Logic, 1999.
J. Cederquist, T. Coquand and S. Negro. The Hahn-Banach
Theorem in Type Theory. In G. Sabin and J. Smith, editors, Twenty-five years of
Constructive Type Theory, Oxford University Press,
J. Cederquist. An implementation of the Heine-Bore covering
theorem in type theory. In E. Gimenez and C. Pauline,
editors, TYPES for Proofs
and Programs, LICS, volume 1512, pages 46--65.
Springer-Verlag, 1998.
J. Cederquist. A Point
free Approach to Constructive Analysis in Type Theory.
PhD thesis, Chalmers University of Technology and University
of Göteborg, Sweden, 1997.
J. Cederquist and S. Negro. A constructive proof of the
Heine-Bore covering theorem for formal reals. In S. Berardi
and C. Coppo, editors, TYPES
for Proofs and Programs, LICS, volume 1158, pages
62--75. Springer-Verlag, 1996.
updated: 2018-01-10