Links: WWW, HTML, Unix

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Graphics
Validation: W3C HTML Val. Service, CSS, link checker
WDG HTML Validator,  "Anybrowser" t. & val.
HTML Help by the Web Design Group
Web Style Guide (former Yale C/AIM)
My table of characters  Country codes
Character code issues (Helsinki Univ. of Techn.)
Special HTML Characters (Academic Computing  Support,  MIT)
Bad design: Top 10 Mistakes 1999, 2005
MIT: guidelines for pages Foundation
WEBalley, Web publishing for beginners, mortal sins
Introduction to HTML (Univ. of Toronto)
HTML Tutorial HelpPage (Univ. of Ill. at Chicago)
Macquarie Univ. (Aus.) MIS
Unicode, Inc. Code Charts  entities  compatibly
Info. by language (see Math)
Java Tutorial (Sun Microsystems, Inc.)
Apache Software Foundation, core, "files"
Some experiments; tests
Open AFS
Misc. • ZD Net • Icons • Javascript
CSS, cascading style sheets • Excel • Gnuplot • Perl • PHP
A guide to HTML • A List Apart • WebReference • Webmonkey
HTML Reference Guide (Netstrider)
Pwd maker • Javascript (passwd prot. ?) • CGI-bin,  Grove Fl.
MS Off. Design Gallery (search)
Microsoft: PptExample.ppt, .pps, Config. IE to open Off. docs
PowerPoint: E. Finkelstein • infoComm (search Ellen Finkelstein)
Free-Graphics • EarthWeb • Truques (tricks)
Colours: my colours; lynda; w3schools (colour names);
Visibone (Colorlab); nondithering
Cadmus Digital Art

A touch of style (W3C) (search "Named colors")
black silver gray white maroon red purple fuchsia
green lime olive yellow navy blue teal aqua
Valid HTML 4.01! IST
Created: ~1999 — Last modified: 2017-10-29