Confidence intervals by simulation
Computes CI's from unequal size samples' sums.
2025.Feb.23 07:20:44
File to upload File* (optional), a numerical table (as next). •
of sizes, sums
Table (ignored if file is uploaded) of
sample sizes and their sums.
In Amer. or Euro. format: matrix, csv, copy-paste. •
Columns Sizes:   Sums: Which table columns have: size, sum. •
Confidence level % Level for the confidence intervals. •
Trials, points, seed Monte Carlo trials, points, seed. •
x limit(s) for μ Plot   x axis limits for 1.st Plot.
x limit(s) for σ Plot   x axis limits for 2.nd Plot.
Show values Show the graph coordinates.

Simulates samples of size T, each containing a set of (generally) unequal nt, with t = 1..T, elements (as in the Table above), in order to compute “exact” confidence intervals. The elements are Gaussian with μ and σ estimated from the samples with the given unequal (or equal) sizes.

Example data can be either inserted (copy, paste) in the textarea, above, or uploaded (right-click and save file), such as:
  (a) Case04, 4 samples (5 ≤ n ≤ 58), columns  2 ,  3  (equal, n ≡ 20);
  (b) Case25, 25 samples (432 ≤ n ≤ 1296), columns  2 ,  3 , unequal, "industrial";
  (c) Case50, 50 samples (144 ≤ n ≤ 1296), columns  2 ,  3 , unequal, "industrial".

Draws plots of: the estimated value of μ; and the estimated value of σ.

References: Plate: BagsSimulCI

• Keisan Online Calculator: Gamma distribution Calculator (Casio Computer Co., Ltd.).

• 1849-10-26: Frobenius, Ferdinand Georg († 1917-08-03, 67 yrs.).

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Created: 2020-10-26 — Last modified: 2022-04-13