Bags: estimate μ and σ & "confirm"
Computes estimates and (by simulation) conf. intervals.UNDER CONSTRUCTION
2025.Feb.23 08:19:11
File to upload   (Optional) File, 'xls(x)'; 1.st sheet used (e.g., file). •
Weight, number Values names in header. •
If a file (above) is not uploaded, then the data in the next rows are used instead.
T, n L, n U   (nLninU,   i = 1..T) N. of samples ("trucks"), and sample size limits. •
Sample sizes Used (instead of T, nL, nU) iff T = 0 . •
μ, σ Gaussian parameters, to be "recovered". •
Simulation Trials Seed (seed = 0 for nonrepeatable) Simulation data. •
Confidence level % Confidence level for the intervals. •
Show values ? Shows the graph coordinates.

Computes, under Gaussian item assumption: point estimates, analytically; and confidence intervals, by Monte Carlo simulation.

The data are given from: either an uploaded Excel file ('xls' or 'xlsx'); or user given n. of samples (T, "trucks"), and lower and upper sample size limits (nL, nU), and μ and σ (to be "recovered"). If T = 0, the user given 'sample sizes' in the textarea are used.

Typical uploadable 'xlsx' file: file (giving #.

Draws plots of the behavior of: the average; and the variance.

References: Plate: #UpBagsExcel

• PHP — Handling file uploads. POST method uploads.

• 1436-06-06: Regiomontanus, Johann Müller († 1476-07-06, 40 yrs.).

Valid HTML 4.01! IST http://web.ist.utl.pt/~ist11038/compute/qc/,bagsExcel/Fx-upBagsExcel.php
Created: 2021-06-06 — Last modified: 2021-06-09