Transshipment problem
  Solves a transshipment problem. → To really solve, go here...
2025.Feb.22 20:46:56
nodes No. of network nodes.
. connect No. of network connections. •
Output Output mode. •
capac Nodes' capacities
('node capacity', 'node capacity', ...). •
cost Unit cost from first to second node
('source destination cost', 'source destination cost', ...). •
  Solves a transshipment problem through a conversion to a (Hitchcock) TP, transportation problem.
References:Plate tpA8328

• Arsham, Hossein, Univ. of Baltimore.

• Search @.edu ...

• [Tavares et al., 1996].

• F90 for F77 Programmers, @Univ. of Leicester.

• Portland Group HPFortran.

• 1980-03-29 Cochran, William G. (1909-07-15); 1983-03-29 Kendall, Maurice G. (1907-09-06).

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Created: 2008-03-29 — Last modified: 2008-09-26