Dice throwing with bars
Throws dice through simulation and observes their sum.
2025.Feb.22 21:04:44
n Number of dice to throw. •
ntrials, .seed Number of trials and simulation seed. •
Show values Show the graph coordinates.
  Simulates dice throwing to observe the experimental distribution of the sum of their numbers of dots.  ➔  With bars
References: Plate: NdiceBars

•  Google search "dice throwing" site: .edu, .ac.uk.

•  HTML Arrow Character Codes

• 1879-11-29: Krylov, Nikolai Mitrofanovich (Николай Митрофанович Крылов) († 1955-05-11)

Valid HTML 4.01! IST http://web.ist.utl.pt/~ist11038/compute/or/Fx-ndiceBars.php
Created: 2019-11-29 — Last modified: 2022-03-29