Gnuplot: basic information

set   Examples
set autoscale [<axis>{min|max}]
  axis = x | y | x2 | y2
set autoscale • set autoscale y • set autoscale xy
• set autoscale xmin • set noautoscale x
set boxwidth [<width>]  
set data style {solid|dash-dot|…} (Use test to see what is available.)
set format {<axis>} "<fmt-string>
  axis = x | y | x2 | y2
  fmt-string = %f | %e|E | %g|G | %t | %S | …
set format y "%t" • set ytics (5, 10) • set format "%s" • set ytics (500, 1000) • set format y "%s %cg" • set ytic(12345)
set key [left | right | top | bottom | outside | below |  <position>] [title "<text>"] … set key left bottom Left title 'Legend' box 3
set label [<tag>] ["<label_text>"] [at <position>]  [font "<name>"", <size>"] … set label "S" at 8, 0.3 center font "Symbol, 24"
set linestyle <index> [linetype|lt <line_type>]
 [linewidth|lw <line_width>]  [pointtype|pt <point_type>]  [pointsize|ps <point_size>]
set linestyle 1 lt 2 lw 2 pt 3 ps 0.5
With postscript, linetype: 1 red; 2 green; 3 blue; 4 fuchsia; 5 lt-blue; 6 yellow; 7 black; 8 violet; 9 gray. See postscript.pdf
set mxtics {<freq> | default}
  (or mytics, mx2tics...)
set mxtics 2 (sugg.: ≥ 2)
set term[inal] postscript {portrait|landscape|eps} [solid|dashed] ["<fontname>"] [<fontsize>]
  Default font: Helvetica 14. (w=10" h=7")
set title "<text>" [<xoff> [, <yoff>]] ["<font>[,<size>]"]
  font = AvantGarde(-Book ?), Bookman(…), Century, Courier, Garamond, GillSans[-{[Bold][Italic]}], Helvetica[-Narrow[-{[Bold][Oblique]}], LucidaSans[-{[Bold][Italic]}], NewCenturySchlbk(-Roman)(…), Palatino, Symbol, ZapfChancery, ZapfDingbats
set title "Title…" 3, -0.5 "Bookman, 24"
set {x|y}label "<text>" [<xoff> [, <yoff>]] ["<font>[,<size>]"]
  (See set title.)
set xlabel "x" • set ylabel "f(x)" • set xlabel 'Time (10^6   {/Symbol m}s)' • set xlabel "Point no." 5 "Bookman, 20"
set xtics [axis | border] [no[rotate]] [<incr> |
  <start>, <incr> [,<end>]]
set xtics 0, .1, .5 • set xtics .1
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Created: 2006-01-30 — Last update: 2006-02-07