Simple, prototype upload
Data uploaded or inserted. UNDER CONSTRUCTION
2024.Jul.03 16:27:47
File to upload File, such as a (numerical) matrix (as below). •
Bulk data Data, such as a (numerical) matrix. •
Show values ? Shows the graph coordinates.

Prototype: uploads a file or reads data in the textarea to make a plot.   Example: a 'txt' file to be uploaded.

Draws a plot (a line).

References: Plate: ProtoUpload

• PHP — Handling file uploads. POST method uploads.

• Collaboration with Afonso Paredes ().

• 1799-11-07: Gräffe, Karl Heinrich († 1873-12-02).

Valid HTML 4.01! IST http://web.ist.utl.pt/~ist11038/compute/misc/Fx-protoup.php
Created: 2019-11-07 — Last modified: 2019-12-17