Draws 'nparab'
parabolas in [0, 1], for animation.
The parabolas are all probability density functions,
so the area underneath is 1.
The parabola vertex height, or "rise", R,
goes from R = 1.5 (maximum value compatible with the interval
[0, 1]), giving an "inverted" parabola, to R = 0, which is the
U-quadratic distribution. When R = 1, the parabola degenerates
into a horizontal line, the uniform distribution, y = 1.
Draws the animated plots of the parabolas.
• (Wikipedia) PHP (from Personal Home Page)
• (Wikipedia) GIF
• icSoftComp2024,
6.th International Conference on Soft Computing and its
Engineering Applications, Bangkok (Thailand), 10–12 Dec 2024.
• 1830-12-07: Cremona, Luigi
(†1903-06-10, 72 yrs.). |