Oscillating reactions
  Solves a set of  2 ODE's (by RK4) for oscillating chemical reactions.
2025.Feb.22 21:33:19
Parameters  ε,  q,  δ,  f   •
ti, tf min Initial time, final time. •
y0 Initial values. •
h, npr Integration step and no. of print lines. •
.Points     No. of points in graph (if 0, all). •
Show values ? Shows the graph coordinates.
  Models the behaviour of a system of ODE's related to oscillating reactions:
    ε dy1 ⁄ dt = q y2y1 y2 + y1 (1 − y1)
    δ dy2 ⁄ dt = −q y2y1 y2 + f y3
       dy3 ⁄ dt = y1y3
  For the basis problem, y(0.5) = (6.249, 0.674). Suggested other data: tf = 1 min.
References: Plate: Oscillating

• Gray, Casey, 2002, "An analysis of the Belousov-Zhabotinskii reaction" (.pdf).

• Fogler, H. S., and M. N. Gürmen: Oscillating reactions web module ("Elem. of chemical reaction engineering") (Univ. of Michigan).

• J. Chem. Educ.: movie.

• 1883-04-19: von Mises, Richard, birthday.

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Created: 2009-04-19 — Last modified: 2017-06-28