Kinetics from (uploaded) data
Determines kinetic constants from experimental data.UNDER CONSTRUCTION
2025.Feb.22 20:52:50
File to upload (See next.)

→ Ignored iff a file (above) is uploaded.

Kinetic data (each row: time, concentrations).
Here, 'American' or 'European' decimal mark. •
Action   'Ver', w/ parameters below; or 'Opt', optimize. •
Parameters Rate constants (initial guess). •
Scale factors Scale factors ("steps"). •
tol, max iter. Tolerance and max. iterations for adjustment. •
Show values ? Shows the graph coordinates.

Verifies the kinetics with the given rate parameters to compare the computed vs. the experimental concentrations or optimizes the kinetic parameters, leading to the best fit, through sequential simplex minimization [Burkardt, 2011]. This is based on an embedded reaction mecanism (see iodine reaction) (differential equations).

##Example file in comma-style: reaction.csv .

Plots the experimental and computed data vs time.

References: Plate: DetermineKineticsUpload

• Google: "chemical kinetics".

• Wikipedia: Chemical kinetics.

• IBM: The right way to read files with PHP

• 1849-10-26: Frobenius, Ferdinand Georg (1917-08-03).

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Created: 2017-10-26 — Last modified: 2017-10-28