Specific heat versus temperature
  Computes the specific heat, cP, vs. temperature for a substance.
2025.Feb.22 21:24:01
Substance Substance from list (or given by user). •
(if given by user)
Parameters: a, b, c, d, f
(such as: 33363 26790 2610.5 8896 1169). •
T1, T2 Temperature range. •
Points No. of graph points. •
Show values Shows the coordinates of the graph. •

Computes the specific heat, cp, for one of the substances listed or for a substance with user given parameters. The formula [Perry, 2006] is, with [cp] = J / (mol K),


The graph shows two curves, for the range (T1, T2):  cp;  and its (progressive) mean value.

References: Plate: SpecificHeat

• Green, Don, Robert Perry, 2006, "Perry's chemical engineers' handbook", 8.th ed. (7.th ed.), McGraw-Hill, New York, NY (USA). ISBN 978-0-07-142294-9

• Wikipedia: Heat capacity.

Explanation of the Thermodynamic Anomalies of Water (London South Bank U.).

• Google search: "specific heat".

• 1848-07-27: Eötvös, Lóránd Baron von (1919-04-08).

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Created: 2013-07-28 — Last modified: 2013-07-28