Warning: Pls.,
afterwards see the graph here (check the date).
Computes the behaviour of a catenary,
as an inextensible cable, via the Nelder-Mead (NM) algorithm.
For details, see the plate by Newton-Raphson.
The method solves the original nconc ODE's.
† The coordinates of B must lie in a
unit circle, and the tension, q, is given as related to
the cable weight (due to the non-dimensional formulation).
‡ Mode: in solve mode, resolution
is attempted from mid-θ and mid-q;
in audit mode, an exploration is made in those ranges
(the "surface", however, is not shown here).
The graph shows: (a) y (catenary)
vs. x; or (b) θ
(green) and q (red) vs. s.
Other proposed data: (.35, .35; 65, .005).
Problem: suggested and managed by Prof. A.
Pinto da Costa, IST. |