Runge-Kutta (4.th order), paradigm
  Solves a set of  2 ordinary differential equations by a 4.th order Runge-Kutta method.
2025.Feb.22 21:30:45
Parameters Problem parameters (a11, a12; a21, a22, a23). •
ti, tf s Initial time, final time. •
y0 Initial values. •
h, npr Integration step and no. of print lines. •
.Points     No. of points in graph (if 0, all). •
Show values ? Shows the graph coordinates.
  Models the behaviour of a system described by a set of ODE's, ordinary differential equations, by a Runge-Kutta method of 4.th order. (This is a paradigm, suitable for other cases.) In the present case, it is:
    dy1 ⁄ dt = a11 t y2 + a12
    dy2 ⁄ dt = a21 t y1 + a22 y2 + a23 exp(x)
  For the base problem, y(0.5) = (6.249, 0.674). (Suggested alternative data: -3 4 60 -1 -1)
References: Plate: RungeKutta

• [Smith, 2001(1995), Chap. 13, "Case studies", "Case study 8", p 122] IMSmith.Pdf .

• 1629-04-14: Huygens, Christiaan, birthday.

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Created: 2009-04-14 (2004-01) — Last modified: 2017-06-09