CSTR chemical reactions
Solves a system of ODE's of chemical reactions.
2025.Feb.22 21:35:38
Initial charge mol/L Initial charge. •
Rate constants min−1 k1f, k1b, k2f, k2b. •
h min Numerical integration step.
Final time min Final time of integration. •
Show values Show the graph coordinates.

Solves a system of ordinary differential equations (ODE) in chemical kinetics: a CSTR with 3 components (A, B, C).

dCA⁄dt = -k1f CA + k1b CB
dCB⁄dt = k1f CA - k1b CB - k2f CB + k2b CC
dCC⁄dt = k2f CB - k2b CC

with (necessarily) the 3 initial charges given, by the (usual) Runge-Kutta 4.th order method.

The independent variable is time, t (minutes).

Draws graphs for the concentrations of A, B, and C.

The numerical values reported [Helmy, 2016] are, for t = 0.13 min and h = 0.01: 0.878, 0.110, 0.013 .

References: Plate: ODE-Helmy

• Wikipedia: Numerical methods for ordinary differential equations

• Helmy, M., 2016, Numerical Solution of Differential Eq.s.pdf (=)

• 1783-11-25: Mathieu, Claude-Louis († 1875-03-05).

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Created: 2018-11-25 — Last modified: 2021-11-11