"Quality Control" |
Mon., 16
Part I: Welcome: Portugal, Lisboa, IST.
Course webpage (CWP). Fundamentals. Some cases of lack of quality.
"Straight talk from Juran" (Q and top management) (see GQ).
"Why Q gets an F" (Ford-Firestone) (see GQ).
"Q profession in deplorable condition" (Gunter, see GQ).
The customer, the corporation in society: "O Eng. Químico na área do
Contrôle de Qualidade".ppt (The chemical engineer in the area of
Q Control) (see CQ). "Understand Customer Behavior and Complaints"
(see GQ). Reference to the Monte Carlo method.
Tue., 17
ASQ "brief history" (see CQ). The literature of Quality (Q).
The "American Society for Quality": magazine "Quality Progress" and the
"Journal of Quality Technology". Acceptance sampling, "AS" (attributes,
variables, and bulk) versus statistical process control, "SPC".
Kruskal's trick (see CQ).
Part II: simulation (Monte Carlo method). Ppt "The
MC method in the practice of QC" (see Portalegre). Meaning of "random".
(Pseudo)random number generation. Illustr.
Boston U..
Sum of uniforms, 'mc' according to Buescu (see Calcn.).
Paradox of Monty Hall. Random variable generation.
Continuous variable generation. Correction of the extrema 0 and 1.
Uniform and exponential distributions.
Wed., 18
Part III: statistical process control
(SPC). W. A. Shewhart control charts: X^bar charts.
Ch. 2: "Why the control chart works; some statistical concepts".
(Evolution in the USA.) R charts.
Control charts: primary parameters (d2, d3, c4) secondary parameters
(deriving thereof).
Ch. 3: "Why the control chart works: some examples". Simulation: obtaining
d2, etc. via a program and via simulation.
"Fish on Venus" ('mc'). Control chart parameters (CWP). Two uniform Gaussians
(?) (vs. 'mc').
Sums (central lim. theorem), products: two (or more) Gaussians,
two uniforms.
Ch. 4: "Instructions for simple X^bar and R charts". GL4.1 via Excel.
Improvement: (QP, "One good idea") "Reduce Variation and Save Money".
"six sigma = 4.5 ?!" (Six sigma) "Former favorite airline".
Ch. 6: "Some fundamentals of probability theory".
P charts (fractin nonconforming).
Ch. 7: "P chart for control of fraction nonconforming".
Ch. 8: "C charts for control of nonconformances".
Thu., 19
Part IV: acceptance sampling (AS).
AS by attributos and by variables.
AS by attibutes. The OC curve (OperChar.pdf); binomial approximation.
Ch. 12: "Some fundamental concepts in AS" (attributes).
Military Standard 105 (ANSI/ASQC version). AQL (acceptable Q level). Sampling
plan: (n, Ac).
AS by variables.
Ch. 17: "AS by variables".
Military Standard 414 (ANSI/ASQC version). AQL. Quality index, Q.
Sampling plan: (n, k). One specification limit, L or U: Form 1, acceptance
criterion. Two specification limits, L and U: Form 2, acceptance criterion. Use
of the Beta distribution. Reference to the range method.
Obtaining the sampling plan by simulation. The Monte Carlo method in the
practice of QC (.ppt). "Computing" Q by simulation. Simulation and exact
calculation of the sampling plan: "Q & AS: an 'mc' method approach".ppt
Computing of the non-central t distribution (CWP): 'mc' and exact.
OC curve: Unix calculation and comparison to the standard. Confirmation of
k. Comment to the resolution of the equations of AQL-LTPD.
Minimization: "Solver" and sequential simplex (Nelder-Mead).
Fri., 20 Examination.