
The T-b3DR consists on a research project focusing the retrieval of three-dimensional objects based on a shape thesaurus. This novel approach to 3D shape retrieval supports partial queries using part-in-whole matching. Moreover, the thesaurus-based indexing provides a efficient solution for the time-complexity problems faced by existing solutions when searching for partially similar models in large collections.

During the research work we developed several prototypes. Some are directly related with the collection classification and retrieval solution, but others are just auxiliar tools for our work. Nevertheless, a few of these auxiliar tools proved to be useful and we will include some of them in this section.

SHaVisRep SHaVisRep [+]
This prototype produces visual representations of spherical harmonics (SHA). It receives as input the binary signature created by the the executable for computing SHA representations provided by Kazhdan and produce a visual representation for this descriptor. This visual representation can be a 3D column chart or a 2D line chart in VRML or BMP format, respectively.
FaceCounter FaceCounter [+]
To help us creating statistics on collections of 3D models we developed a small application that counts the faces of models stored in STL (or OFF)  files. It can be used to analyze a single model or a collection of models. The first is done by specifying the corresponding STL file and the second by specifying the folder that contains the collection. 
This tool was initially devised as a simple format converter (from OFF to VRML). However, during our research work lots of extra functionalities were added. Among these are the ability to write the model in other formats, as STL or PLY, or the capability to read from STL files as well. Other extra features include the possibility to explicit in the VRML file the face and vertex normals or to represent the point cloud instead of the mesh.

  • A Thesaurus-based Approach to 3D Shape Retrieval
    Ferreira, A.
    PhD thesis dissertation proposal, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, July 2009
    [ Thesis (PDF 3.1MB) ]

  • Thesaurus-based 3D Object Retrieval with Part-in-Whole Matching
    Ferreira, A., Marini S., Attene M., Fonseca, M.J., Spagnuolo, M., Jorge, J.A. and Falcidieno, B.
    International Journal of Computer Vision, Vol. 89, Issue 2-3 (Sep. 2010), pp. 327-347, Kluwer Academic Publishers
    [ Paper (SpringerLink) ]

  • Retrieval of 3D Objects using Partial Matching (Concise version)
    Ferreira, A.
    revised PhD dissertation proposal, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, January 2008
    [ Proposal (PDF 3.1MB) ]

  • Retrieval of 3D Objects using Partial Matching
    Ferreira, A.
    PhD dissertation proposal, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, November 2007
    [ Proposal (PDF 7.6MB) ]

  • Report on Experiments with 3D Shape Descriptors
    Zhang, L., Fonseca, M.J. and Ferreira, A.
    Technical Report, DecorAR (FCT POSC/EIA/59938/2004) Lisboa, July 2007
    [ Report (PDF 408KB) ]

  • Survey on 3D Shape Descriptors
    Zhang, L., Fonseca, M.J. and Ferreira, A.
    Technical Report, DecorAR (FCT POSC/EIA/59938/2004) Lisboa, February 2007
    [ Report (PDF 273KB) ]

  • Alfredo Ferreira [+]
  • Manuel João Fonseca [+]
  • Joaquim Jorge [+]